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Bocoup Recap!

Hi Gilboa Families,

"We had an amazing Bocoup (Bogrimot aka 10th graders do a takeover) yesterday that was filled with Minions, breakfast for dinner, water fights, and epic pool splashes. Bogrimot's own Zoe Browdy wrote up how the day went:

Bocoup this year was themed Minions: Rise of Bocoup. Bocoup is a half day, so it started at lunch. Gru announced his master plan of stealing Bluff Lake! All of the kids aka now minions were invited to join the Lake Stealers team by completing tasks. The minions walked around camp to put on Minion tattoos, draw with chalk, play soda pong, and more. After all the minions joined the team the learned the official minions dance which we, the Bogrimot, made up to the song Happy by Justin Timberlake. (pictured below)

Then, the Minions changed into their best clothes and had a fashion show! Just as Gru was announcing the winners, Vector came and captured Gru! Dr. Nefario rallied the Minions to train so we could get Gru back! In groups, the Minions learned yoga moves, decorated cookies, drew weapons, and much more. When it came time to actually save Gru, the Minions had to sneak into Vector's lair without getting caught by the guards who were flashing flashlights (aka playing Zap, where campers try and get from one side of camp to the other without getting 'zapped' by flashlights). When finally arriving at Vector's lair, Dru was there, and gave a secret hint to Vector's secret lair! All the Minions went to the secret lair aka pool--where there was an epic showdown ending with Vector in the pool. After, most of the Bogrimot, including myself, jumped in the pool! Finally, after a late night snack, the Bogrimot put all the kids to bed.

Planning Bocoup was a lot of work but a lot of fun. We planned out activities for 4 hours, made decorations, and plotted a whole storyline. All the preparation led to a lot of kvutsa (age group) bonding. It was also so much fun to dress up and see everyone in Minion related costumes.

Personally, I was a Techni (technical director), which means that I wrote the schedule for the day and made sure the day ran smoothly among other things. It was so rewarding to see all of our hard work pay off and I was so proud of my kvutsa at the end of the day."

- Zoe Browdy

Here are more photos from the amazing day planned by the Bogrimot!


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