Here's How A Typical Day Looks...
Here's How A Typical Day Looks...
Camp Highlights

Some days we wake up and have been magically transported to another world! We spend the whole day in costumes, experiencing a day-long story, eating wacky food, and doing special games and activities. The coolest part about it is that often the days are planned by the oldest campers or madatz (CITs) – they get to take over camp and create magic for the younger campers!

Being in nature is part of what makes camp so special, and there’s no place quite like Big Bear! Each session we go on a tiyul (hiking trip) and spend a day and night out of camp - we hike, play lots of camouflage, learn about the natural beauty around us, have a campfire, and spend the night under the stars!
Here's How A Typical Day Looks...

Wake UP (Kima): Expect some creative surprises when your madrichimot (counselors) wake you up each morning-- wake up with cookies, wake up to a song, wake up to another language. Because counselors live in cabins with their campers, they help get the new day started, and are there to assist in any way needed.
Morning Flag-Raising (Hitkansut Boker): Each morning, you’ll gather at the flagpole for this first camp-wide event of the day. You’ll raise the Habonim Dror flag, listen to the day’s announcements, and sing original cheers (that you can even help write)!
Breakfast (Aruchat Boker)
Work (Avodah): At Gilboa, we encourage communal responsibility. In our effort to model some aspects of daily life on kibbutzim in Israel, you’ll participate in avodah (work). You’ll choose a work elective at the beginning of each session. Some of these options include painting and building projects, planting in our vegetable garden, clearing hiking trails, cleaning and reorganizing the Arts & Crafts center, or everyone's favorite -- cleaning the bathrooms!
Age Group Activity (Peulat Shichva/PISH): During PISH, you’ll participate in an activity that your counselors will plan just for your age group. PISH provides a more intimate space for learning and discussion. But this isn’t like your average day at school -- Gilboa’s youth leadership prides itself on informal and experiential learning, bringing in the spirit of summer camp through fun, immersive activities.
Sports (Zman Sport): During Zman Sport, you’ll choose a sport to participate in on a daily basis. We offer a variety of rotating options including archery, kayaking, soccer, ultimate frisbee, basketball, swimming, volleyball, zumba, yoga, and of course, gaga!
Lunch (Aruchat Tzohorayim)
Rest Time (Chofesh): During chofesh, you’ll have time to relax in your cabins, to read or write letters home. Some campers practice their musical instruments, draw in the Arts & Crafts center, play cards, or just sit outside and talk with friends.
Pool Time (Zman Brecha): Going to the pool is a great way to cool down on a hot summer day! Zman Brecha is camp-wide; many campers choose to swim. Others hang out with friends by the pool, write letters home, read, play games and dance.
Hebrew (Ivrit): The Milah Shel Hayom (Hebrew word of the day) is announced every morning. Say it, sing it, whisper and shout it! Whoever uses the "word of the day" in the most creative way wins a T-shirtadorned with that day's Hebrew word. Fun activities like these, as well as Ivrit Shimushit (skits to learn Hebrew), make Hebrew a living language, woven into skits, jokes and games.
Snack (Kibud)
Singing (Shira): During shira, you’ll learn camp songs in Hebrew and English. Campers who already know the songs help to teach, and new campers quickly get accustomed to our musical culture.
Workshops (Sadna’ot): This is an opportunity for you to spend time concentrating on a specific topic. Workshops offered include nature, drama, kayaking, arts and crafts, and Israeli dancing, among others.
Elective Activities (Chugim): At the start of each session, you’ll choose your daily chug (elective). Chugim vary each year based on our counselors' expertise. Past examples have included "Messy Fun," ultimate frisbee, “Art and Social Change,” music appreciation, and yoga.
Evening Flag Lowering (Hitkansut Erev): Each evening, you’ll gather around the flagpole to lower the Habonim Dror flag. You’ll stand with your kvutzah (age group), sing really loud, and participate in our usual shenanigans.
Dinner (Aruchat Erev)
Evening Activity (Tochnit Erev): Gilboa’s evening activities are usually camp-wide, and related to the summer's theme. From the most active, wacky adventure to the calmest movie night, campers of all ages participate, learn, and get to know each other in mixed-age groups.