Natasha: On Wednesday, for Zman Kvutzah, we ran a game show for the Amelimot - our youngest group. There wasn’t a real point system but nobody really cared because they were more focused on having fun together. Everyone answered all of the questions and participated in challenges like drawing superheroes, pizza, and dogs and it felt really good. We also learned a kvutza dance from Ada which was really exciting and fun for all of us.
Quinn: On Monday, I was feeling a bit nervous going into the beginning of Virtual Gilboa. We’d been working hard to make it happen but I was still worried about people actually liking it. As soon as we actually got on the Zoom, the nerves went away. In 21st Century Sherlocks, everyone got really into character and jumped into our story with a ton of great energy. Chanichimot (campers) of all ages were excited to do something creative and fun together and it really lifted my spirits. Then during the Shomrimot’s (8th graders) first Zman Kvutza (age group) block, I was really happy to see everyone ready to bond and welcome new faces. The whole first day was so affirming and filled with love and I couldn’t have asked for it to go better.
Ben & Becca: Chotrimot (incoming 7th graders) have kicked off zoom machaneh (camp) to a great start! We’ve had a blast getting to know each other through the slideshows that the campers have created. After setting the atmosphere and imagining that we were up at camp at night for our first Epep, we played super fun games such as Scribblio and Rock Paper Scissors tournaments! Playing the most intense game of Scribblio ever was definitely one of the roses/highlights from this week! We all agreed that zoom machaneh is waaay better than zoom school because in school you could never instruct your teacher to rub peanut butter and jelly all over their face while learning about experiential education! Another rose from this week is that after Ben and Becca (the madrichimot - counselors) hopped on the zoom call in matching bandanas, to their delight, all of the chanichimot (campers) joined along with the fun and went to get their own bandanas! Get ready to wear your bandanas every week, because now we’ve made it a thing!

Eliza: The rose of my week was bonimot (9th graders) zman kvutsa on Thursday. We played a dungeons and dragons type game in which the kids’ quest was to get elected president. When we planned it, I wasn’t sure how much they would get into it. It demanded a lot of creativity and silliness to actually be fun, but they totally rose to the challenge. Eliya was a hotdog who turned out to be a hamburger, but was able to recover her campaign through an instagram live, and Benji came up with the genius slogan “a vote for me is a vote for me.” I laughed the entire time 😊
Lili: This week, the Bogrimot (10th graders) had an empowering discussion about the different ways youth can challenge the status quo and exercise power in spite of the obstacles before us. Our Wednesday group bonding activity featured a wildly successful online adaptation of Bear Mafia- a twist on the classic game. It went so well that we actually ran the game past 5 o’clock!

Yahli: My favorite part of this week was hopping onto the Minecraft server for the first time! It's not exactly like camp (at all, of course) but it was so fun exploring and moving around with people I love so much, for the first time in months! Watching Edie and Gali working together and everyone else helping each other learn the game was so heartwarming and I’m so excited to keep playing!
Amalia: MBG (11th grade program) is off to a great start! Gilboa's rising eleventh graders had plenty of summer 2020-applicable and actionable peulot, with a healthy dose of fun by way of a Google Earth globe traversing scavenger hunt as a contingent made up of themselves as babies! While that may have been the best ep-ep (evening programming) EVER, according to one chanich (camper), the MBGers are also looking forward to a Gilboa summer as a time to do their best learning despite the pandemic. So far, so good! See you next week, MBG!