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Shabbat Blog: Revo Edition

Hello Gilboa community!

Our last shabbat of the summer is always bittersweet. Knowing it's the last we'll have for a year makes chanichimot (campers) appreciate all of our Shabbat activities just a little bit more than usual. More kids stick around for late-night rikud (Israeli dancing), there's more excitement for Shabbat Shira (singing), and a little more nostalgia down at the dam during the weekly Rosh Story.

Not only are we celebrating Shabbat, but a very successful Revolution by the Madatz (Counselors in Training) this week. The theme: Starwars. Chanichimot had a blast learning the ropes with Darth Vader, getting rained on during a food fight, and delicious food all day long.

I could tell you about it, but I think a few words from some of the Shomirmot (8th graders) say it better than I do. Here's what they thought!

Here are some more photos from our final Shabbat of the summer!


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