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First Day of Second Session!

Good evening Gilboa Families,

What a great start to second session! After we said goodbye to parents, chanichimot (campers) participated in a round robin of health checks, general rules from Mazkirut (youth leadership), learning from the mitbach (kitchen) about food rules, and some Zman Kvutza (time by age group) to learn cheers. Afterwards, tzevet (staff) put on sketches to introduce themselves and this sessions' chuggim (electives). After some more time by kvutza (age group) to pick their avodah (work for the session), there was hitkansut (flag lowering) where each kvutza did their own group cheer, followed by a pasta bar dinner! Chanichimot (campers) ended the night with their kvutza (age group), bonding and getting to know one another better.

Below are some photos from the day, and we'll talk to you again tomorrow!

-- Alison


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