Good evening, Gilboa community!
Every summer, we have a mix of ragil (regular) days and special days. Today's special day was Yom Israel, a day of exploring Israel and learning about its vast different parts. We opened the day with a skit, realizing that we weren't in Gilboa anymore, we woke up in Israel, and we wanted to travel to all of its different locations on a massive summer escapade!

We began with breakfast in Haifa. The chadar (dining hall) was split into various 'apartments' to simulate living in the city. Chanichimot (campers) enjoyed Israeli classics like shakshuka, spanakopita, and fruits. Then, after our regular avodah (work) block (we still need to keep camp clean, even on special days!) we realized we needed a minute to pack for our Israeli adventure. We visited various units in our apartment building and said hi to our neighbors, picking up what we needed along the way. Among our neighbors were folks from different cultures: Russians, Ethiopians, Brazilians, Palestinians, Americans and Yemenites. Each neighbor had a different accompanying game to play.
Then, we travelled to Jerusalem and explored all of the different cultures of people who live there in a round robin. We visited a construction site (made human pyramids), learned some Jerusalem slang, visited holy sites (had a mock archaeological dig), made Ethiopian Dabo (bread making) and more. We were pretty hungry by that point and decided to head to lunch. Lunch was a big buffet of falafel, hummus, salad, tofu, and pita.
After a bit of chofesh (free time), it was time for age-appropriate peulot (educational activities) about reforestation in the Negev desert and the JNF tree program. Then, it was time for popsicles and a bit more free time before finishing today's special programming at hitkansut (flag lowering). It was an amazing day! After hitkansut we were back to our regularly scheduled programming and it was time for dinner, where we enjoyed chili and cornbread before topping off the day with a movie night!
That's all for today's jam-packed adventures. We'll talk to you soon!