As we get closer to camp, we want to be sure families understand how we are approaching Covid-19 risk management at Gilboa this summer.
Pre-Camp Policies
Pre-Camp Caution
Campers and their households do not need to quarantine ahead of arrival, but are asked to exercise an increased level of caution in the 5 days leading up to camp. They should avoid large group gatherings and indoor group gatherings, and continue to follow all CDPH and CDC guidance. It is everyone's responsibility to prevent Covid from entering camp this summer!
Required* testing:
Required Test 1: Negative rapid test within the day before departure - upload to your camp account
Families can receive 8 free rapid tests by entering their info here:
Required Test 2: Please bring a rapid antigen test to the bus drop off to take at the bus drop off. If you are driving to camp or flying, please test at home and upload a picture of the result to your camp account.
Required testing at camp: We will test all campers daily for the first 3 days of camp.
Optional Testing - STRONGLY ENCOURAGED for those who have not had Covid in the last 90 days: We encourage families to get a PCR test 3 days ahead of camp.
*Exceptions: If a camper had Covid in the last 30 days, they don’t need to test (unless there is a new prevalent variant) but are asked to show proof of positive test.
Please upload to your camp account either proof of negative test from the day before the start of camp, or proof of positive test from last 30 days. Families can find this in the “Forms & Documents” section of their camp account - the place to upload it is called "Covid Test Result".
If someone tests positive and is asymptomatic:
Families will then be required to get a PCR test for their child. If this test is negative, the camper can come to camp, but not before these results are received.
If a camper is sick (Covid or other illness) - do not come to camp!
Camp is a shared living place where illness can spreads quickly. If your child is sick, even if they do not have Covid, please keep them home until they are healthy.
Parents are responsible for getting their child to camp if they need to join late due to a positive Covid test or other illness.
Campers and staff who have made arrangements to join camp late should take two rapid tests, 48 hours apart, before coming to camp.
Required Pre-Camp Test 1: 48 hours ahead of camp
Required Pre-Camp Test 2: Test on the day of coming to camp
In the time between test 1 and test 2, please act with caution - avoid interaction with large groups and wear masks when indoors with people other than your immediate household.
We require parents’ consent to periodic health screening and testing of campers during camp, as well as acknowledgement of risk.
Please sign the “Covid Health & Safety Waiver” in the Forms & Documents section of your camp account by June 29th.
Before camp and in the first few days of the session we ask that families report to camp any potential exposure of the camper to Covid-19.
Covid Immunization Policy
All* campers and staff must be vaccinated against Covid-19, following the CDC recommendations for immunization for your child’s age group (ie. if the CDC recommends a booster based on age and time of most recent dose, boosters are required.)
*Medical exemptions are the only accepted exemptions. Medical exemptions must be in writing and from your primary doctor or an allergist/immunologist. For Covid vaccine medical exemptions, please have your physician include what their recommendations are to protect the camper/staff and others if the camper/staff were to have an asymptomatic Covid case.
First 48 Hours At Camp
Camp Gilboa will provide transportation this summer (buses from LA, SD, and group flight). Campers are required to wear masks the entire time and have windows down when possible.
In the first 48 hours at camp, the schedule and program will be structured to avoid mixing groups indoors.
The guidelines for first days programming are:
All mixed group and camp-wide programming will be outdoors
Campers will only be indoors by tzrif (cabin)
Campers will eat meals sitting by tzrif (cabin)
We will practice general increased caution - open windows in cabins & dining hall, frequent hand washing, developing hygiene routines to follow for the duration of camp, and getting plenty of rest.
After 48 hours, everyone at camp will take their next rapid antigen test.
Visitors to Camp
All visitors will be required to:
Show proof of vaccination
Show negative antigen test from day of arrival
Remain outdoors unless necessary to go indoors (ex. bathroom). If they need to go indoors, visitors must wear a mask.
Minimize close contact with campers & staff
Visitors Day (July 17th, 11am-3:30pm):
All activities will be outdoors.
During any activities where visitors and campers are physically close together, including outdoors, everyone will wear masks.
No Overnight Visitors!
Overnight visitors are not permitted at camp this summer. Staff who come for short amounts of time, such as to be madrichimot (counselors) for nitsanimot, are required to follow the same testing program as all campers and staff coming late (rapid test 48 hours ahead and right before coming to camp).
Staff Guidelines and Time Off
Staff Arrival
Same testing protocol as campers.
Time Off
Staff are permitted to leave the campsite for time off but are restricted only to activities that avoid interaction indoors with people outside of the camp community (ie. no sitting indoors in restaurants, going into stores without masks, indoor concerts, etc.) Safe activities are determined by the Camp Gilboa medical committee. Staff are encouraged to participate only in low-risk activities (such as hiking or going to a park that is not crowded) and minimize interactions with those outside the camp community.
Gilboa staff are required to be vaccinated and follow the same protocols as campers.
Health Checks
At breakfast each day counselors from each pod will check in with each camper and run through a list of symptoms commonly associated with Covid-19 and other common illnesses and turn the form into the health center. Health center staff will review all forms and follow up on any abnormalities.
Managing Covid Cases at Camp
There are many different possibilities for how it may play out if someone tests positive for Covid at camp. The medical committee has considered a variety of scenarios and factors and is prepared to respond.
The operating principles for how we will respond will be:
Keep campers comfortable and cared for.
Do our best to keep kids at camp, while following CDC & local guidance.
Prevent spread. We have mitigation measures (masks, outdoor programming, broad testing) to scale up and down depending on what we are seeing and what is going on in the broader community (new strain, high level of cases, etc.)
Ongoing close communication and consultation with the Medical Committee.
Please note that, depending on the scenario and other factors, a camper who tests positive for Covid-19 may be sent home for their isolation period. Parents should be aware that they may need to pick up their child from camp. If parents will be out of town while their child is at camp, they must arrange alternative adults who will be available to pick up their child and care for them.
Parents will be notified in the event that their child tests positive, or another child in the kvutza (age group) tests positive.
If there is Covid spread at camp beyond one kvutza (age group), all parents will be notified.
If parents have any questions about Gilboa's policies and would like to discuss further or speak with a member of the medical committee, please reach out to Elana.