Coming up this week:
Shabbat Fun

Rikkud (learn camp dances) - Saturday 10:30-11:45am
Beginner Rikkud, 10:30-11:00am with Isaac
Intermediate Rikkud, 11:15-11:45am with the Mullen sisters
Community-wide Havdallah Saturday 7:30pm
Supplies for havdallah (optional!)
Havdallah candle (click here to see what “counts” as a havdallah candle or easily make your own using 2 hannukah candles)
Something nice smelling (spices, tea bag)
Wine (or a substitute) and mug or glass
A pillow (or someone’s stomach) to rest your head on
Take a Mid-Week Break with Gilboa

RBG Story Time & At Home Activism with Lili - Thursday April 2nd, 1:30-2pm
Streamed on Facebook live on the Gilboa page or on Jewish Camp at Home.
All are welcome! Best for 2nd-5th grade.
If you have any questions about the online activities, reach out to Josh ( or Elana (