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Shabbat: Bonimot Guest Bloggers and Photos!

Shabbat Shalom, Gilboa Families!

The last Shabbat of summer's a bittersweet time. Shabbat is a time when we reflect and this week we are thinking of all our favorite memories from this summer.

MBI participants in Israel this summer -- spot any Gilboa teens???

This Shabbat we are also saying hello (and welcome back!) to our MBG friends! MBG is a program for rising 11th graders at the end of the summer to come back to Gilboa to reconnect both as a kvutsa (age group), and as a machaneh (camp). Many of the MBG participants went on MBI this summer, where the rising 11th graders from all 6 Habonim Dror camps go to Israel together. Learn more about MBI here & see photos here. We're so happy to have our MBG chanichimot with us and can't wait for them to be Gilboa's 2024 madatz kvutza!

This week for our Shabbat Blog, some of the Bonimot (rising 9th graders) chose to write about their experience on tiyul (nature hike) this week. Check it out!

And photos of course!


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