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Summer 2025 Rosh Announcement!

Happy New Year, Gilboa Community!

My name is Roxy (they/them), I am in kvutza 70, and I am your Rosh (youth camp director) for summer 2025! This past year I was Melavol (Director of Camper Care) and it marked my 10th summer at camp since 2012. After MBI (11th grade), I took some time off to see what I had been missing every summer while I was away, and to find out who I was without Gilboa. I quickly discovered that I needed my community in order to thrive. I maintain that I don’t know who I’d be now had I said no when my next door neighbor asked if I’d go to sleep-away camp with her at 10 years old.

As a chanichol (camper), I internalized youth autonomy and empowerment and established how I approach the world. Gilboa is the place where I learned my values and my sense of purpose. I decided to return for summer 2022. I had intentions of giving what I could to serve what I realized I was so lucky to have. I’m still so grateful to spend my summers at machaneh (camp), there’s no place I’d rather be!

I already know this year is going to be great. I’m especially looking forward to archery, playing in the lower shetach river and my favorite part of camp--Shabbat! I can’t wait to see you all soon!

Roxy Watts-Zagha


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