Etta helped plan a Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) project with some other girls in her kvutsa (age group) earlier this year. We asked her to share some thoughts about her experience, and a little bit about what Gilboa means for her!
"Etta, what was it like to plan a Tikkun Olam with other campers in your age group? Would you do it again?

It was an extremely interesting and educational experience to plan a Tikkun Olam with other campers in my age group. It was fun to be able to plan something and watch it actually happen. Leading the Tikkun Olam with other campers was really cool. Being able to introduce people and lead activities was very fun and cool. I would definitely plan a Tikkun Olam again. It was great to have that responsibility. Feeling that you made something happen and that you are helping the earth is a very great feeling to experience.
"What does Gilboa mean to you?"

Gilboa means a lot to me. For me it is a fun place to hang out with friends and have fun
times. It is a safe place where everyone is welcome into the community. It is also a learning experience and a fun way to learn. We learn about all kinds of important issues and think of ways we can help the problem. Gilboa is an amazing place that means so much to so many people. - Etta