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First Shabbat

We finished off the first week of camp with out first camp Shabbat! Check out some of our super fun camp Shabbat traditions:

Friday starts with learning rikkud (Israeli dancing) before lunch:

After lunch, we have Shabbat rotations. This is where each kvutza (group) gets assigned a job to help with preparing for Shabbat. These include leading prayers, setting up tables and decorating, planning the oneg, braiding challah, and guest blogging.

We spend Friday afternoons cleaning our tzrifim (cabins), in the hopes of winning the cleanest tzrif award! This week, Tzrif 9 took home the title! After cleaning our cabins, we shower and get into our Shabbat outfits.

We gather by mishpacha (family) - these are groups based on where we live. This summer, we have a Gilboa/IKAR mishpacha!

We then walk down to the lake, sing songs, listen to the Rosh story, and then head up for dinner.

The evening ends with rikkud (dancing) into the night!

Saturdays are chill and relaxed - we have a sleep in, chuggim (electives), and pool time.

In the afternoon we have Hyde Park. This is a forum that is led by the madatz (CITs) where campers of any age can stand in front of the rest of the campers and share requests and feedback.

We finish the day with performances at musicale, havdallah (end of Shabbat ritual), medura (campfire), and glida (ice cream!)


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