Dear Gilboa families,
We are so excited to have chanichimot (campers) back for the start of Summer 2023! All of the buses arrived safely (as did the UHaul containing a ton of bags from LA and Northern California! Shoutout to Rebecca for driving that up). Campers had a welcome meal of quesadillas, salad, rice and beans, followed by rotations of getting oriented to Gilboa life. Campers new and old learned new cheers, played name games, got lice checked, settled into tzrifim (cabins), met tzevet mitbach (kitchen staff), and learned important Gilboa rules and regulations from mazkirut (youth leadership).

Then, chanichimot watched some hilarious skits highlighting the various avodah (work) and chuggim (elective) blocks that will be offered this session. After a little free time, we had dinner, and then an evening activity was split by kvutsa (age group). Each session, we end the first night split by kvutsa (age group) for group bonding and connection, as well as to decide which electives and work block options the chanichimot want to do for the session. We are so looking forward to getting to know this new group of chanichimot and all the ways they will contribute collectively to making this a fantastic summer!
The next blog post will be up in a few days, but if you need anything in the meantime feel free to email or text any of these contacts:
Alison ( (215-850-7993 text/WhatsApp)
Elana ( (323-605-8485 text/WhatsApp)
Rebecca ( (562-234-9957 text/WhatsApp)