Mazkirut is the leadership of Camp Gilboa - they've been working tirelessly for many months to get camp ready. They can't wait to work with the tzevet (staff) to create a magical and meaningful summer!

Ronnie Hecht - Rosh Machaneh (Summer Camp Director)
Hey there, my name is Ronnie Hecht. I grew up in Irvine, CA but I am currently living in Berkeley finishing my last semester at Cal! In Berkeley, I have been involved with the student co-op, Jewish art museums, and the Bay Area ken and Tzedek! I think Gilboa is a magical and alternative environment for youth empowerment and that’s why I'm so excited to be Rosh Machaneh this summer - I can't wait make all of that happen with my friends!

Yahli Livni - Merakez Ha'ashara (Director of Program Enrichment)
My name is Yahli Livni. I was born in Jerusalem and raised in Los Angeles. You may have seen me take on other roles at machaneh but this summer you can find me doing the Ha’ashara takfid. My job is to look at the different passion projects that happen at machaneh and help the tzevet make them happen. I personally care about rap music and ’the people’ and that's about it! I study communication at UCSD, and I am excited to continue making machaneh a youth-driven, activist training-ground paradise!

Zach Goldblatt - Techni (Technical Director)
Hi, I'm Zach Goldblatt. I was born in Cape Town, South Africa but call Irvine, California home now. I've spent my last four years at machaneh in the mitbach (kitchen) and I'm excited to cook up something new this year as Techni! This summer I'm most looking forward to sunsets by the lake and tiyul overnight trips! I study education, English, and philosophy at Brandeis University. I'm also a big fan of origami, balloon animals, cooking and water polo!

Claire Goldberg - Merakezet Chinuch (Education Director)
Hey everyone! I’m Claire -- I’ve been going to Gilboa since I was 11 and cried the whole way to camp. Since that fateful, homesick first summer, Gilboa has become my favorite place on earth. I’ve returned every summer for the community, the nature, and the education -- and I can’t wait to return this summer as Chinuch! I go to school in New York at Columbia where I’m studying Urban Studies and Architecture -- both topics which I hope to bring into the tochnit (educational program) this summer!

Ruby Beenhouwer - Melevah (Director of Camper Wellbeing)
Hi! My name is Ruby! I’ve been going to camp since I was a kid and I’m really excited to be Melevah this summer. It’s my job to support tzevet in making this summer more creative, adventurous and comfortable for every camper. I am a studio art major at Wesleyan and I like cooking and talking and dancing. Also, my hair isn’t blonde anymore, but who knows? Maybe I’ll bring it back.