This Shabbat, we have an update from the Amelimot (3-5th graders) abut some favorite camp moments so far, as well as some original drawings.
Liam and Leo decided they wanted to type out their posts:
"There are many reasons why I love shabbat.
I love the big shabbat dinners and the activities on shabbat. like late night ricud and the time we go to the dam and the roach tells a camp story. then sing and go to dinner then go to ricud
Then Saturday morning we get sugar cereal my favorite is frosted flakes, fruit loops, lucky charms. then chofesh most of the day. And we go stargazing. Then get ice cream sandwiches the rad Hayom the go to bed and that’s why I love shabbat and Havdalah. The end." - LIAM
"Today is shabbat and the best day of my life because we will clean the tzrif (cabin)!
YAY!!!!!!" - LEO

All of us at Camp Gilboa are wishing you a restful Shabbat.
Shabbat Shalom!
- Alison